Foundation Dermal Fillers
Access requirements
You must have level 3 and 4 anatomy and physiology, phlebotomy and dermaroller or beauty level 3, anatomy and physiology level 4/medical to gain access on to this course.
About the course
This is a fully accredited course run in line with all 2018 HEE guidelines. Once your payment has been received and dates have been confirmed you will be sent a pre study manual via email. You will be tested on this before starting practical modules. The length of this course is three days. You will cover all of the following on your first day at the academy:
Facial mapping
Injection techniques
Restoring volume
Contra indications
Treatable areas
How to deal with complications
Adverse effects
Setting up your insurance
Buying stock
Clinical Oversight
Client consultations and consent
Practical learning
Our foundation dermal fillers course covers Lip enhancement, Marionette lines and the Nasolabial folds. You'll treat a minimum of 5 live models by the end of practical. You'll be guided by one of our tutors and by the end of this module, you'll be very confident working on your own with no assistance at all!
Please note:
Please be aware that there could be a 1/2 month wait on practical dates during busy times. We do try our best to accomadate everyone but we do like to keep our training to a maximum of 2 students per day. We feel this is vital for the best learning and practice.
The price of this course is £2000. A non refundable booking fee of £200 is required and the remainder must be paid before your practical start date at the academy.
We offer a Duo course where you can complete foundation dermal fillers and foundation botulinum toxin in 5/6 days. Please be aware that this is a very intense course and you'll be completing around 8 days worth of theory and practical in those 5/6 days. The price is £3000 when paid in full.
Advanced Dermal Fillers
Access requirements
You must have level 3 and 4 anatomy and physiology, phlebotomy and dermaroller or beauty level 3, anatomy and physiology level 4/medical plus eight months experience in foundation to gain access on to this course.
About the course
A fully accredited course run in line with all 2018 HEE guidelines. Once your payment has been received and dates have been confirmed you will be sent a pre study manual via email. You will be tested on this before starting practical modules. The length of this course is one day unless you're wanting to cover cannula and needle techniques which will take two days. You will cover all of the following at the academy:
Injection techniques
Restoring volume
Facial contouring
Contra indications
Treatable areas
How to deal with complications
Adverse effects
Client consultations and consent
Practical learning
Our advanced dermal fillers course covers Non Surgical Rhinoplasty, Tear Trough, Cheek Enhancement, Jawline Enhancement, Chin Enhancement . You'll treat a minimum of 3 live models for each. You'll be guided by one of our tutors and by the end of this module, you'll be very confident working on your own with no assistance at all!
Please note:
Please be aware that there could be a 1/2 month wait on practical dates during busy times. We do try our best to accomadate everyone but we do like to keep our training to a maximum of 2 students per day. We feel this is vital for the best learning and practice.
A non refundable booking fee of £200 is required and the course balance must be paid before your practical start date at the academy. Adavanced filler course prices are as follows:
Advanced filler with needle - £1500
Advanced filler with cannula - £1500
Advanced filler with needle and cannula - £1800
Cannula (must have advanced needle qualification) - £350